Naruto is a long-running anime based on the manga written and illustrateed by Masashi Kishomoto. The story revolves around a misfit ninja named Naruto and his dream of becoming Hokage. Prior to the start of the story, a Nine-Tailed beast attacked his village. The Hogake at that time realized something that no one else knew so he sealed the Nine-tailed beast to what was a newly-born Naruto. When people learned about the sealing of the beast in Naruto, he was perceived as the beast instead of being just the container. As a result, people shunned naruto without him knowing the reason because of 3rd Hokage's orders. Naruto grew up as orphaned and shunned, so he made it his goal to be recognized by the people around him even if it means being mischievous. As the story progresses, he achieved recognition from the people little by little as he proved his worth as a ninja.When he grew up to be a teenager, people learned to trust Naruto more and more and he became stronger and stronger.He also learned the truth about his parents and the reason behind the sealing of the beast within him.
Uzumaki Naruto - the main protagonist.
Haruna Sakura - a member of team 7. She started out as someone who,like most other girls, is thinking only about love. Despite this, her chakra-control was topnotch and was a very good student bearing one of the brightest mind in Konoha. As she grew up, she became a very reliable kunoichi who learned the ways of medical-jutsu and how it can be used in battle. With her amazing chakra-control, bright mind, medical-jutsu, and overwhelming strength, she is a tough chick to beat.
Uchiha Sasuke - is a talented shinobi and graduated top of his class in the Academy. A member of the infamous Uchiha Clan. Like most Uchiha, he also bears the sharingan, a dojutsu that can release a powerful genjutsu. It also helps the user to read the opponents fast movements and chakra level.At the start of the story, he was one of the protagonist but as his desire for revenge and power grew, he became an antagonist.
Hyuaga Neji
Rock Lee
Nara Shikamaru
Akimichi Chouji
Ino Yamanaka
Aburame Shino
Inuzuka Kiba
Hyuga Hinata
Hatake Kakashi
Mighty Guy
Sarutobi Asuma
Yuhi Kurenai
This is an unfinished article and will be updated daily until I complete the information of the characters I listed down.... please bear with me...
7 hours ago
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